罗克韦尔自动化(中国)有限公司 罗克韦尔自动化PlantPAx process automation system
应用介绍 标题 罗克韦尔自动化风能控制系统解决方案
摘要 本资料为罗克韦尔风能控制系统解决方案的演示文稿,主要包括大型化,海上风电,直驱及永磁发电机等,中压变流器,从产品到服务,状态检测及预测维修,电网适应性。
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标题 罗克韦尔自动化风能解决方案
摘要 A wind farm is usually operated from a site control room with SCADA system access to each turbine. There are local HMI displays and data historians at each wind farm. Specific sets of data are also archived in a central database at the OEM’s/End User’s site.
下载链接 conditional monitoring
标题 Solar Manufacturing & Assembly Solutions
摘要 Integrated Architecture eases application of standardization methodologies.Mechatronics Design Tools make it easier to select, size and optimize motion control systems.Software library of code and faceplates follows Foundations of Modular Programming.
下载链接 SolarMfg_Assy_External_Presentation_Final_2009-08-24
标题 Providing dynamic solutions to the wind industry comes naturally
摘要 Integrated Architecture offers a unique combination of enabling technologies. The Logix control platform, for example, uses highly sophisticated control, networking, visualisation and information technologies. It is a multidisciplined single-platform that is both scalable and flexible. So, as you adapt to today’s changing industry dynamics and standards, you can integrate and rely on a range of control, safety and power solutions.
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标题 罗克韦尔自动化风电场自动化控制系统
摘要 Typical wind farm: Operated from site control room;SCADA system access to each turbine;Local HMI displays and records data history at each farm;Specific datasets archived in central database;
下载链接 WindTurbine_CondtionMonitoring_External_Presentation_2010-04-05
应用案例    标题 罗克韦尔自动化集成架构成功应用在山东长星风力发电机组项目
摘要 在山东长星风电科技有限公司850KW风力发电机组生产实施过程中,变桨和主控系统均采用了罗克韦尔自动化的集成架构,开放的集成架构让长星风电拥有了提供差异化产品的自主创新能力,在降低研发和生产成本的同时,还大大缩短了产品上市周期,从而在快速发展的风电市场中占据了有利的制高点。
下载链接 长星风力发电_final
机器描述 标题 罗克韦尔自动化抗反射装备自动化解决方案
摘要 Solar panel manufacturing includes the application of an anti-reflective layer or coating to the top sheet protective glass. Light from the sun must pass across the interface between air and the glass, and at this interface 4% or more of the light will be reflected.
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标题 罗克韦尔自动化玻璃清洗装备解决方案
摘要 Developments in photovoltaic (PV) technology have pushed glass and glass washing equipment to the forefront of glass applications. Glass washing machines are fundamental components for critical pre- and post-processes used in solar panel manufacturing and assembly. Minute traces of ionic particles on solar glass can compromise energy transference, directly affecting the efficiency of the module.
下载链接 Glass washing
标题 罗克韦尔自动化激光切割自动化解决方案
摘要 Crystalline and thin film solar panel manufacturing processes today are readily adopting the use of laser technology. Typical laser applications include scribing, drilling, doping, firing, cutting, marking and patterning.
下载链接 Laser Scribing
标题 罗克韦尔自动化光伏自动化解决方案
摘要 Electrical interconnection of solar cells is a critical step in manufacturing silicon based photovoltaic solar panels as it impacts yield, throughput and final module efficiency. Stringing cells together allow the cells to form a larger power generation system. Strings of cells are laid side by side and connected together to make a photovoltaic solar panel.
下载链接 Photovoltaic Stringer
标题 罗克韦尔自动化多晶硅生产自动化解决方案
摘要 Silicon wafers are used as the substrate material in the manufacture of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells. The wafers are sliced from silicon ingots (blocks)using wire saws in a process known as wafering. Since the silicon substrate is one of the most expensive materials used in the manufacturing process,reducing manufacturing costs and waste is critical to lowering the overall cost of solar power generation.
下载链接 Wafer Slicing
标题 Automation Control for Wet Processing Equipment
摘要 Wet processing equipment is used in various stages of the solar panel manufacturing process. Panels manufactured using crystalline silicon technology (solar cells built on silicon wafer substrates) use wet processing equipment in both the wafer production and the cell production areas. The wet process steps are generally categorized as cleaning, etching, texturing, rinsing, drying and electroplating. These steps are carried out using either a batch process via wet bench equipment or a continuous process via inline process equipment.
下载链接 Wet Processing
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